Even the next block over can be an adventure - Troublesome Creek that winds through Hindman, Kentucky is where my adventure began

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yon: Photo From Elsewhere

Lady Expat, aka Nancie, has been living in South Korea for nine years, an experience that was supposed to last only one. I know how that goes. She's been teaching at the university level, traveling and  taking wonderful photographs to beat the band.

I used several of Lady Expat's shots for Photo of the Day picks when I wrote for Gadling. This photo of cherry blossoms in Korea is one of her latest gems. The blossoms reminded me of my quest to view redbuds in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky as a motivator to head there in celebration of spring.

Check out more of Lady Expat's lush and lovely work on Flickr and at her personal blog, Budget Travelers Sandbox.

If you have a picture from Yon, point me towards it. I'd love to promote your work.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie,

    Thank you for featuring my photo. Much appreciated!
