Even the next block over can be an adventure - Troublesome Creek that winds through Hindman, Kentucky is where my adventure began

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Seasons of Yolanda: Tales of a Traveling Writer on Facebook

If there's any reason at all one needs to continue to write and travel, this is it. As I created this PowerPoint as a tribute to Yolanda Steiman, a friend and member of Company of Writers, a writers group I also belong to, I was struck by how much traveling and writing add depth and breadth to one's life. Also, what genius can be found in Facebook. All the text was culled from Yolanda's Facebook pages starting with the year before she died and ending with her last entry. Several of the photos were taken by her husband or Yolanda. Some were culled from Flickr.

You'll see one slide that has all the people who commented on Yolanda's Facebook pages during the year after she died. (She died last October.) My word, Yolanda, you sure touched a lot of people and brought the world together in an special way. Poland, Japan, Texas, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio--that's some of the world I enjoyed by savoring the flavors of your life. Thanks!